Saturday, October 20, 2007


first theres the pain,then theres something more;

like the waves hit the sand and take it away from the shore;

what i really think,you know so well;

so put me back in the darkness,take me out of hell;

why do you insist,on keepinkg me here?;

is this a test?making me face my fears?;

breaking me down into pieces,until theres nothing left;

life's a whore,that shouldnt be kept;

if there really is something more,then show it to me;

'cause i chose the darkess,now i cant see.............


Kalhan said...

"cause i chose the darkess,now i cant see"

i think that's brilliant

mr.pot-atohed said...

thanks man.......

MelloLikesJello said...

very nice dude. when you making this into a song?

MelloLikesJello said...

very nice dude. when you making this into a song?

mr.pot-atohed said...

its already been made.....

Kalhan said...

when're we going to hear the song?

mookie blaylock said...

who made it?i mean-u or sum1 els?

mr.pot-atohed said...

i dunno,wen we gather enough money to pay the recording studio for another hour........and its not a very mellow song,involves screamin 'burn' a helluva lotta times at the end of it..........,i killed th african tribesman who wrote and made the tune to this song and im claiming it as my own.....*whispers*keep it a secret o.k?

Kalhan said...

you do realize you said it online right?

anyway, you're not in trouble, if it helps. noone reads this blog anyway. you can post the address to the holy grail here. hehehe.

mr.pot-atohed said...


mookie blaylock said...

no1 reads it?no problem.i work for an ngo dat deals wid d issues dat african tribals face-lack of hair straightening devices,intermixing with pygmies(dis is problem cos no1 wants to have tiny kids) galloping follicles,and theft of music.
*calls concerned authorities*

mr.pot-atohed said...

wy is it a problem if no.1 wants t have tiny kids???and why is he named no.1 neway????wys he so important???