Wednesday, August 22, 2007

More about SPLIT

Split is a band with an attitude that says - "Let's fuck around."

They dont want a conventional existence, with 'this is how it should be.' Hanging out with Split is going where the wind blows. And boy, anyone can be the wind.

They've been around a few years. They've had people come and go... but everyone who has been a part of Split has been part of the brotherhood, and even if they're doing something else now, they're still part-Split. Like me, I'm a half-Split.

They're 5 boys.

Garreth - who sings, is 27 and is at present
getting his bike serviced and cursing a cop.

Melroy - who plays guitar, is also 27, and is presently saving the world from bad music.

Aviv - who also plays guitar, is, I think 27, and is teaching
a 18 year old girl how to play the guitar.

Shekar - bass, is 25, and is
at this time, and most others, asleep.

Nigel - who drums, is 27, and is wondering if he should have his hair braided or not.
And now, you know Split.

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