Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Nigel - A Story

I've promised myself I'm going to do a 'History' about each of the boys. Although, honestly, I know lots about only Mel and Gary. And Nigel to some extent.

Nigel, is a bum. A nutter. But a nice chap. Can be a super pest at most times, but somewhere deep inside, there resides a particle of niceness.

Nigel is hilarious. Not always, but many times, and he can have you cracking up, especially with some nasty one liners. He's fairly thick skinned too.

He's a burst of energy (noise) and he's a womanizer. Full time. In fact, he takes that occupation so seriously that he is continuously studying expert documents to fine tune his skill and prowess.
Last seen, he was reading a book called 'How to give a woman an orgasm without having sex.'

Of course, like all noble experts, Nigel likes to share his knowledge. Give him the floor and he will have you sit down and hear him out, all about sex, for 300 minutes. Even if you beg him to stop... nothing can stop Nigel when he gets started... (though we've discovered that bringing a girl into the room can distract him for a few minutes, but even that is not as effective as slowly making your way behind him, and hitting him hard on the head with a cymbal.)

Nigel lives in style. And likes to dress in style. He's a fancy-flashy boy. Looks nice though...

When we met, and I was appointed chief and only dedicated photographer, Nigel took me aside once before a show, and made a complaint / request. He said, no one ever got photos of him while he performed... Of course, this had much to do with the fact that he's always behind a stack of drums, but he is also vain. Come on, he takes care of his appearance, and takes longer to do his hair than how long Mel takes to get ready in a whole week. But that is not the point...

So, I agreed to pay special attention to drummer boy and get photos. Here's a couple of the nicer ones.

Nigel was one of the founding members of Split. Him and Shekhar are the oldest Split boys. And the band really means a lot to Nigel... He takes care of the money too - and guards it like a mother hen. He loves jazz, and can be trusted to
1. embarrass you in public.
2. get attention from 50 passing strangers by doing something ridiculously outrageous.
3. Cancel band practice if he is in one of 'those' moods.

Anyway... I'm extraordinarily tired, and can't think of any more nice things to say about Nigel.

Here he is - making that wall of noise for Split on stage.

If Gary can take his shirt off, so can Nigel.

Ps: Nigel is great fun and a rockstar. Split wouldn't be Split without him. At all.

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