Tuesday, August 28, 2007


why isnt split making a video for my house?its a beautiful song.
ps-i guess der wont be any answers here if there arent any on the orkut thread..
pps-i hate musicians mall.

Monday, August 27, 2007


hello afrin:)dat was my process of font selection.(wingding is strange)
i would have changed colour too,and given u an insight into the cognitive processes that underlie that particular decision,but font selection is jobless enough to begin with.

i,obviously,have very little to say;)

strangely,tho i blabber constantly online,i have only been to 3 or 4 split gigs..

Hello Mookie

Say something!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Out with the boys

10 things you will see when you hang out with Split:

1. Food fight - popcorn, peanuts, or carrots, whatever's on the table.
2. Lots of alcohol for Mel, Garreth, Nigel and Aviv, and limesoda for Shekar.
3. Nigel and Mel fighting over something as ridiculous as 'is it possible to give a woman an orgasm in 3 seconds.'
4. Mel and Garreth arguing about the origins of punk music.
5. Hardik randomly yelling 'Split rocks. Microsoft rules.'
6. Garreth saying 'Banchod, Microsoft is full of chuts.'
7. Afrin saying Google is God, and everyone agreeing (except Hardik.)
8. Aviv playing the guitar and singing 'if I were a young man, and if I were to marry...'
9. Shekhar not saying anything. Michelle smiling. Simrat looking lovely.
10. Everyone getting smashed and Mel trying to leave from the fire exit.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Come aboard, all ye Split lovers, and random lovers, and bored pigeons.

I have brought on:

Kalhan (his other blog)
And Dhaval Roy (her other blog)

And now they will say hello.

More about SPLIT

Split is a band with an attitude that says - "Let's fuck around."

They dont want a conventional existence, with 'this is how it should be.' Hanging out with Split is going where the wind blows. And boy, anyone can be the wind.

They've been around a few years. They've had people come and go... but everyone who has been a part of Split has been part of the brotherhood, and even if they're doing something else now, they're still part-Split. Like me, I'm a half-Split.

They're 5 boys.

Garreth - who sings, is 27 and is at present
getting his bike serviced and cursing a cop.

Melroy - who plays guitar, is also 27, and is presently saving the world from bad music.

Aviv - who also plays guitar, is, I think 27, and is teaching
a 18 year old girl how to play the guitar.

Shekar - bass, is 25, and is
at this time, and most others, asleep.

Nigel - who drums, is 27, and is wondering if he should have his hair braided or not.
And now, you know Split.

More about Split's Blog

Yes, I continue, post lunch, to be extremely bored.

Here are a few really-boring-and-unnecessary facts about the blog.

1. It is black. My other blog is white. It is like my dairy. Split is a rock bank. Must I conform to convention and give it a black background?

2. I don't know who I'm going to share this blog with. I think it should specifically be fans of the band, and not essentially the band.

3. Mainly because - the band is too busy pursuing other boring but money inducing activities.

4. This blog doesn't necessarily have to be about Split. It can be about anything related to music, cops, food, sex, and all other things that Split relates to.

5. That is all I can think of for now.

Now, I will invite the other big fans to blog on Split.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Split's Blog?

Split has a website. And new one being designed.
Split has a super hyper active Orkut community.
Split has a myspace page (which I can't get around on - really grumpy service, I think)
And Split has me - their biggish fan.

And right now, I have absolutely nothing to do, well, actually there is loads of work, always is, but I dont want to work. I want to make a blog for Split. And here it is.

Now, I will get busy with putting up Split photos, and then will wonder who to invite to this blog.

Until then, (here's my favourite part) push button to PUBLISH.